Top Practices at Princeville Makai for keeping a healthier planet:
1. Bring Your Own Water Vessels to Fill at Our FLOWATER purification stations!
Princeville Makai has partnered with “FLOWATER” and installed two large water purification/dispensers on property (located near the clubhouse and the pool & fitness area). We have introduced these new stations on property in the hopes that we will one day soon eliminate the usage of single use plastic water bottles. If for some reason you are not bale to bring your own vessel do not worry, we have partnered with PathWater to make sure all of the water being sold to our guests on our property is being done so in a reusable and sustainable practice. By us going away from providing complimentary single use plastic water bottles in 2018 we have alrealy elimentated over 500,000 plastic water bottles from our landfills, island, and ocean waters.

PathWater’s Motto = “Refill Not Landfill”

2. When Ordering a Beverage from The Makai Grill or Beverage Car Skip The Straw!
Even though our food and beverage operation has officially moved to a 100% non-plastic container/utensil model, it ALWAYS helps skipping the straw. A lot of studies show straws have a very engagtive impact on animal life, specifically the hawaiian green turtle.